Commonly Misused Word

Commonly misused word

Affect vs Effect
Affect is usually used as a verb. It is an action word that means to produce a change in or influence something.
Effect is usually used as a noun. It is a an event that means a change that occurred. When an "s" is added, "effects" means personal belongings.
Example : 
  •  Your opinions do not affect my decision to move.
  •  Transportation costs have a direct effect on the cost of retail goods

Your vs You’re
Your is a possessive pronoun; you're is a contraction of you are.
Example : 
  • You're going to catch a cold if you don't wear your coat.

                                               Confusingly Related Words

Credible and Believable
Credible is the quality of being trusted and believed in
Believable is able to be believed in one things 
Example :
  • Wikipedia providing credible information for users
  • No economic forecasts year out are believable, no matter who makes them.

Good and Well
Good(adj) - is an adjective and is used to modify nouns and linking verbs
Well(adv) - is an adverb and is used to modify action verbs.
Example :
  • I have a good day.
  • She sings well.

Andhiko setyawardani



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